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Heritage Commission Minutes 07/17/2014

Members present: Dawn Marshall, Lucille Noel, Bob McAnney, Michelle Plunkett, Kate Rafferty-Hall
Members Excused: Faye McAnney, Ann Davis, Barbara Frangione, Patty Humphrey

Minutes read changes made.  Motion to accept made by Kate & Dawn.

Dawn read Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer report remains the same as June

Our "handbook" is no longer going to be printed. Lucille asked if we could purchase a couple copies so we can have spares. $28.00 each.
Also one copy of "Preservation Tool Kit for NH Historic Grange Buildings”. They are $10 each. Motions made to purchase both publication by Kate and Dawn.

OHD set up and sign up (August 16)
4 people
8:30-10:30 Lucille
10:30-12:30 Dawn & Lucille
Faye will provide a bouquet for the table

Charrette will be Oct 17 & 18.
Can Tracey Scott provide a trolley for the drive about, for Friday for 2 hours?
Fire Dept. is hesitant to allow us to use their space for this event.
Lucille presented a write up for a flyer for Charrette info. She will contact Robin for wording of flyer.
We are looking for people who would like to house a few people for the Charrette.

Scenic Rd. Kate (Webster Mills Rd.)
Kate was wondering if having a resident of Webster Mills Rd. also speak for the designation.
The Welch's are willing to help with this. Kate will ask them if they'd like to help with going door to door.
Kate also presented an article she had written on the protection of Webster Mills Rd., which included RSA of Scenic Rd. designation

Bob, Canterbury Rd. Tree Project
Bob has written his certificates for the people who have donated money for tree replacement.  The certificates names are done in calligraphy by Maureen Van Horn.

Bob also received a check and a wonderful letter of appreciation from David & Geraldine Hungerford from Waldboro Maine. The check was for $100.00. This will be used for replacement trees on Canterbury Rd.  

Meeting adjourned
@ 8:45